
2-3 March 2023 – 1st TRANSNATIONAL PARTNER MEETING, Slovenia, Bled

The first meeting of the EQUATION consortium took place in Bled, Slovenia. Coordinated by CEEMAN – International Association for Management Development, EQUATION is an ambitious Erasmus+ funded project that addresses gender equality in universities and the role of accreditation agencies in these processes. During the event, relationships were established between CEEMAN and partner universities: IEDC-Bled School of Management, Vistula University, WSB University and Riga Technical University. The participants of the meeting agreed on the division of tasks and the cooperation schedule enabling the implementation of the program over the next two years. The aim of the EQUATION project is to equalize the chances of women and men in higher education – especially in management schools and business. The program is to develop tools and training for universities and accrediting institutions and their employees, so that they are better prepared to act towards narrowing the gender gap, which will lead to lasting cultural and institutional changes.