We will develop tools and trainings for HEIs, Accreditation Institutions, and their staff to be better equipped to contribute to reduction of the Gender Gap which will lead to sustainable cultural and institutional change. Through this, we will contribute to a higher level of broadly equal opportunities and outcomes for women and men across sectors by means of sustainable cultural and institutional change.

Gender EQUality
promoting change in Higher Education Environment via EQUATION target groups
Our Challenge
Our challenge to reduce the gap n higher education – management and business schools particularly and contribute to a higher level of broadly equal opportunities and outcomes for women and men by means of sustainable cultural and institutional change.

Gender equality is a global priority at UNESCO. UNESCO calls for attention to gender equality throughout the education system in relation to access, content, teaching and learning context and practices, learning outcomes, and life and work opportunities.
Gender equality is a fundamental human right.
– UN Global Compact
Gender equality is a global priority at UNESCO. UNESCO calls for attention to gender equality throughout the education system in relation to access, content, teaching and learning context and practices, learning outcomes, and life and work opportunities.
Activities to be implemented
- Report based on research and Analysis of GEP Implementation and Existing Accreditation Mechanisms
- Develop GEP Implementation Plans and Guidelines;
- GEP IP for each partner school
- Guidelines for Accreditation Institutions (GE Criteria, Framework, and assessment process)
- LTT programs on GE in (1) Business Schools and (2) Accreditation
- Dissemination events for (1) HEIs and (2) Accreditation Institution
Expected results
of the project
- Report on Gender Equality in Business Schools and Accreditation
- GEP Implementation Plans for all participating schools (4)
- Guidelines on GEP Implementation
- Guidelines for Accreditation Institutions
- Training on GE in Business Scholls (emphasis on GEP implementation)
- Training on Accreditation for Evaluators Outcomes:
- Removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of females
- Integrating the gender dimension in development and quality assurance processes
